The holidays are officially over, and to be honest, I’m ready to get back to a normal day-to-day routine.
I loved all the excitement, family time and delicious foods that holidays grant but alas back to reality which I’m totally okay with and looking forward to 2019.
A fresh slate for new dreams, goals and resolutions.
And if your new year resolution is to dress better (hey, it’s easier and more fun than dieting :-)) the one item I believe has the power to transform an outfit almost instantly, is a cool pair of shoes.
But how many times have you bought shoes to regret it later?
In crunch time all your shoe knowledge may have ran out the door…
So here are 5 tips to keep in mind when shopping for shoes.
PS. I’m absolutely committed to helping woman like you, look + feel beautiful everyday. Be sure you’re following me on FB and Insta for daily tips and inspiration.
Useful links
Shop ADA Collection belts
Download the Determine Your Shape Guide
Essentials for your closet
Body Shape Calculator
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