“Oh, so you’re the new manager. Not the seasoned assistant.”
Ahh, Liz didn’t get the dress code memo.
She had worked so hard for the new position and today she was meeting the V.P’s and project managers for the first time in the boardroom. Everyone stepped into the meeting dressed as sharp modern razors while she could be mistaken for the company librarian.
How did they find those cool clothes?
She had no idea how to pull together a stylish but professional outfit like that.
What Liz needs is to make a Style Smoothie – I’ll show you how but let’s first hear about Mary.
“Oh, so you actually have a PhD. Your faded pilling bulky cardigan made you look like your frumpy Aunt Margaret who skipped school and wove baskets for a living.”
Oh, no. Mary’s outfit was also wrong.
She’s been working from home teaching online courses and tried to avoid evening get-togethers or weekend brunches like the plague. Working from home had left her with a sad wardrobe of jeans and yoga pants and she had no idea how to dress up for an event so she skipped them until it got too lonely.
How did these other women pull together such polished AND effortlessly cool looks?
She had no idea how to create an outfit like that.
What Mary needs is to make a Style Smoothie – Up next after the story about Stuffy Sally.
Sally is determined to find a job in a non-profit organization. The only problem is – she can’t pass a single interview.
She has the qualifications but she doesn’t feel like herself in a structured corporate suit – outfits she inherited from her last position. She might need to lighten up and show her creativity and personality but has no clue where to find the balance.
Style Smoothie Technique to the rescue.
Professional Women have 3 big problems when it comes to style:
- They either look too corporate and don’t show their creativity and fun personality.
- They dress overly comfortable to the point of sloppy and it effects their confidence.
- Or they age themselves with frumpy clothing and people doubt their professionalism & cutting edge ideas.
The answer is simply to make a delicious Style Smoothie – the perfect blend of healthy veggies, sweet fruit and a touch of ginger.
You can’t be all veggies (corporate and bland), all fruit (yoga pants and slack) or all ginger that makes your nose burn (aging prints and patterns).
We have to combine the ingredients with the right balance.
So here are 5 Style Smoothie inspired workwear outfits you can try.
Workwear Outfit #1: Monochromatic + Checkered Blazer
A great foundation for any outfit is a monochromatic base. You can start with an all-black, all-white, all-camel base. It doesn’t matter. Pick a color and wear the same color top and bottom.
Why? It’s crisp, stylish and flattering.
You can throw on a modern checkered blazer and belt it to give it more tailoring and shape.
Finish it off with a blocked heel boot for comfort and extra height (never a bad thing.)
Style Smoothie Recipe: Take a bland veggie base and add some sugar and flavor with a topper and shoes.
Workwear Outfit #2: Monochromatic + Cardigan Coat + Printed Shoes
You can wear that same monochromatic outfit and now add a smooth, non-bulky and non-pilling cardigan.
This one is from J.Crew. I really like the weight and the quality of this piece.
We’ll add personality to this outfit with a printed shoe.
Notice the print in the shoes ties together the camel of the cardigan and the rest of the outfit for a “pulled-together” look.
Style Smoothie Recipe (repeat): Take a bland base and add some sugar and flavor with a topper and shoes.
Workwear Outfit #3: Monochromatic + Pop of Color Cardigan
Are you picking up on a pattern?
Same monochromatic outfit – but a new “third piece” topper.
This time we’re getting wild and crazy and bringing in a pop color. Belting it of course – because we have to create a waist line.
And that’s it.
Super simple style smoothie.
Base + Topper + Belt. But now let’s get crazy…
Workwear Outfit #4: Dress + Blazer
Assuming you want to create a feminine and effortless look – you can wear your favorite dress, belt it and top it with a blazer.
Still professional because of the blazer – but a dress is a dress. Will always be more feminine.
By the way, dresses can be super comfortable. Even wearing them working from home.
Who cares if it’s only you you’re dressing for. Getting a glimpse of yourself in the mirror looking hot will make you feel super confident.
Really. It’s been proven.
Let’s keep going.
Workwear Outfit #5: Jeans + Blazer + Heels
I’d wear heels with this outfit if we’re being very honest – but I know many of my clients will be a bit more conservative with their knees so I’ll spare you. 🙂
It’s casual Friday. You’re tempted to wear yoga pants because you work at Google.
But please. At least throw on a pair of comfortable dark denim jeans and a blazer.
Make it professional. Even if you’re just working up the corporate ladder.
Dress not for the job you have but for the one you want.
I’d still wear trousers over jeans and heels over wedges. But that’s just me.
Let’s at least meet in the middle.
Style Smoothie: Fruit as your base + bland blazer to give it nutrition.
Workwear Outfit #5: Silk Blouse
Remember Phd Mary from my story above?
Okay, let’s say Mary’s going out to meet colleagues for dinner. She can actually work her yoga pants into her outfit if she combines it with a beautiful quality silk blouse.
There’s something about silk that looks expensive. She can belt it , wear on its own or yes, add a blazer.
A silk blouse is the ultimate must-have basic to have for a quick “I have to be ready in 10 minutes and look nice” outfit.
Make it black if white silk seems scary.
Now you can make your own Style Smoothie
Download the Essentials checklist below and mix and match the “boring basics” as your smoothie base and add personality and sweetness with pops of print, color and accessories.
If you’re not sure how to dress your shape, download the Body Shape Guide so you can get ideas of what types of clothing and cuts look best on you.
Shop ADA Collection belts
Download the Determine Your Shape Guide
Essentials for your closet
Body Shape Calculator
What a great post! Thank you so much for all the ideas💖💖💖💖